Australia Travel Blog

Australian Travel Blog

Welcome to our Australia Travel Blog DownsideUP

This blog is dedicated to inform and inspire you on all things to do with Australia. Actually we write posts on anything that’s of interest in the South Pacific (our home) DownsideUP was started to inspire you to visit us DownUnder.  

Diving in Australia
Brent Narbey
Brent Narbey
Superlatives, Superlatives and more Superlatives! Yes, we all know the Great Barrier Reef has nice diving, however, it’s certainly not the be all and end all of the diving in Australia. Let's face it unless you get right out to the actual outer reef you can't help comparing the diving to places like Egypt’s “Red Sea” or Fiji’s coral coast and there are at least half a dozen other well-known diving locations with similar diving.
Brent Narbey
Brent Narbey

When is the Best Time of Year to visit Australia? – There is not a Short Answer.
Elizabeth Marshall
Elizabeth Marshall

The sheer size of Australia means there is a wide variation in climate. These range from a ‘wet’ and a ‘dry’ season in the tropical north, an area that is also prone to cyclones to the outback ‘the Red Centre’ that experiences blistering temperatures with severe droughts.  At the same time down south in Tasmania, an icy breeze from Antarctica can prevail – So planning your holiday is essential.

Elizabeth Marshall
Elizabeth Marshall

Aboriginal Mythology - Some Truths Revealed
Anne Baumscheiper
Anne Baumscheiper

The Aboriginal people believe they have lived in Australia since the beginning of all things. Archaeologists have dated their occupancy to many tens of thousands of years and much of the Aboriginal mythology harks back to these earliest of times. Stories and legends were expressed in everyday life through art, song, and dance - verbally handed down by word of mouth from these ancient times. Here is a selection of fascinating mythology including some that have startling explanations. 

Anne Baumscheiper
Anne Baumscheiper

The Ghan - A Classic Rail Journey through the Australian Red Centre.
Marianne Davies

This iconic Australian passenger train 'The Ghan' took over one hundred years of planning, $1.3 billion in resources, and its path now stretches from Adelaide through Alice Springs and onto Darwin. It travels North to South through the center of Australia covering 2,979 kilometres (1846 miles) in 3 days Its been one hell of a journey, the project began construction in 1878 and was completed 126 years later,  `The Ghan' now crosses the continent twice a week offering accommodation options rivaling the best in the world.

Marianne Davies

Great Ocean Road
Brent Narbey
Brent Narbey

Often rushed, the Great Ocean Road should be the Destination, not the Journey. The Great Ocean Road is an Australian National Heritage listed 243-kilometre (151 miles) stretch of road that hugs the contours of Victoria's rugged southwest coast winding between hillsides and beach, through the rainforest and past the Twelve Apostles. It is one of the 20 coastal areas in Australia to have a heritage listing and is arguably one of Australia's greatest and most spectacular coastal drives.

Brent Narbey
Brent Narbey

Kimberly Cave Art
Brent Narbey
Brent Narbey

It has been commonly thought that Aborigines most likely populated the Australian continent around 50,000 years ago, by people from the areas we now know as Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Recent evidence has emerged in the form of ancient Kimberley Rock Art that suggests that this may have been more like 70,000 years...

Brent Narbey
Brent Narbey

Aboriginal at Ayres Rock
Brent Narbey
Brent Narbey

Locally known as ‘The Rock’, Ayers Rock is a single stone, larger than an island, lies in the Great Western Desert close to the geographic center of Australia. It is one of the most popular destinations for people vacationing to Australia.

Brent Narbey
Brent Narbey

We’ve Got Neds Head! - Thats Ned Kelly
Brent Narbey
Brent Narbey

Nothing fuels the flames of New Zealand and Australian ‘Trans Tasman Rivalry’ more than the Aussies taking claim to Kiwi icons. The Kiwi's gripe list is large and ranges from the pavlova (a desert), Phar Lap (a Horse), Split Enz (a Band) to the more recent icons of Russell Crowe and Oscar nominee Keisha Castle-Hughes. But now a great-granny from New Zealand may just have the ultimate bargaining chip to get them all back because she says she's in possession of one of Australia's most sought after relics: Ned Kelly's skull. 

Brent Narbey
Brent Narbey

Devils, Death Adders, Crocodiles and Tarantula... A Great Place for you and the Kids
Brent Narbey
Brent Narbey

Looking for something interesting for the family to do while in Sydney? Just north of the city is a place worthy of a mention. Housing New South Wales largest crocodile, some ferocious Tasmanian devils, the continent’s most venomous snakes and lets not forget the Goliath bird-eating spiders - The Australian Reptile Park maybe of interest.

Brent Narbey
Brent Narbey

Suzie Thorp

Australian English is also referred to as "Strine". The word derives from saying the word "Australian" through clenched teeth - a local accent that some scholars claim arose from the need to try and keep ones mouth closed when speaking, in order to keep the flies out…….  

Suzie Thorp

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