Perth Weather in September

September is the first month of spring in Perth, with blue skies, plenty of sunshine, and fewer rainy days. There’s no better time to explore the city’s many attractions and take part in outdoor activities. Here’s what you need to know about Perth weather and events in September.

dining at Elizabeth Quay in Perth

What Is the Weather Like in Perth in September?

While early spring in Perth can be chilly, the weather quickly warms up and the city often sees many sunny days uninterrupted by rain.

To learn more about the weather in other regions of the country, head to our Guide to the Best Time to Visit Australia.

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Average Temperatures in Perth in September

The average daytime high in Perth in September is 19 °C (66 °F)—a slight increase from the previous month—while the mercury can drop to 11 °C (52 °F) at night

Average Sea Temperatures in Perth in September

Swimming on the beaches in Perth and surroundings in September is possible, but the sea water is still cool, with an average of 20 °C (68 °F). 

Perth City

Average Sunshine Hours per Day in Perth in September

In September, Perth gets around 8 hours of sunshine per day, which corresponds to 234 hours during the whole month. The average day is 12 hours long, with the sun rising between 6:34 am and 5:56 am and setting between 5:59 pm and 6:17 pm by the end of the month.

UV levels in Perth in September

The average daily UV index in Perth in September is 6. There’s a high health risk from exposure to the sun and sun protection, including sunscreen, hats, and sunglasses, is essential at this time of year.

Average Rainfall in Perth in September

On an average September day in Perth, there's a 19% chance of light rain and 7.1 mm (0.28 in) of precipitation. The city is moderately humid with an average amount of 67% of relative humidity. You will experience around 12 rainy days if you visit during this month.  

In 2009, Perth saw its longest wet spell for September on record, with 20 consecutive days of rainfall and 26 rain days in total. 

Best Things to Do in Perth in September

With pleasant temperatures and a plethora of outdoor events, September is the perfect time of year to visit Perth. Here are some of the activities you shouldn’t miss in Western Australia’s capital in spring. 

Whale watching 

If you’re looking for wildlife encounters, spring is a good time to spot humpback whales and their newborn calves as they migrate south. The best coastal lookout points include West End, Cape Vlamingh, and the Perth Canyon Marine Park, known for the largest gathering of blue whales in Australia. 

Diving the HMAS Swan

Kings Park Wildflower Festival

Perth’s annual Kings Park Festival celebrates the unique wildflowers of Western Australia. The event features stunning displays of native flora, in addition to guided walks, workshops, plant sale, and family-friendly activities. 

Perth Royal Show 

This popular annual event boasts agricultural displays, animal showcases, and competitions during the last week of September, attracting more than 500,000 visitors each year.

Recommended Itineraries for Perth in September

Ready to start planning a spring vacation in Perth? First Light Travel’s Blog is a great source of inspiration, covering different aspects of travel to Australia. Our Western Australia Itineraries and Packages contain plenty of ideas of what to see and do in this part of the country, while our Australia travel specialists will be happy to create a customised trip tailored to your interests.

Irma Vuckovic
Irma Vuckovic
: 18 Jan 2023 (Last updated: 18 Jan 2023)

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